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7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON | 905-889-2252

About Us




We are all searching for meaning in our lives and for ways to make a difference in this world. The synagogue is the one Jewish institution devoted to those goals.

Temple Har Zion enables you to build friendships and connections with others in the community; providing opportunities for learning and growth, meaningful Jewish ritual and worship, and working with people committed to social justice and tikkun olam, repairing our broken world.

As liberal Jews, we value the traditional practices and rituals of our people, while encouraging innovation and creativity. We believe in religious evolution: finding the harmony between our four-thousand-year-old heritage and the great potential we all have to create a Judaism that speaks to the twenty-first century.

Often described as a warm and welcoming congregation, we strive to create a place where everyone feels comfortable expressing their Jewishness; and finds getting involved in the community personally fulfilling. You may choose to study and discover the teachings of our people, both ancient and modern. You could explore prayer, rituals and music that will enhance your spirit. You can reach out to others by volunteering to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and work on the pressing social issues of our day. And, in becoming part of a community, you’ll celebrate joys together, support each other in times of need and care for members knowing they will be there for you.

Music plays an integral role at Temple Har Zion. You’ll experience a varied repertoire of melodies for all aspects of worship. Our selections are progressive, while still maintaining our rich Jewish musical traditions.

Our Cantor, Rabbi and Music Director all have music degrees allowing them to collaborate to create inclusive, inspiring and participatory experiences for our congregation.

At Har Zion, we welcome interfaith families into the congregation and encourage their participation in our community. We are a diverse, multigenerational congregation—just like the country we call home, embracing people from every corner of the Jewish world: newcomers to Canada, LGBTQ Jews and their families, people of different abilities, empty nesters, families with young children, and Jews who have grown up very traditional or not traditional at all!

Each family or individual seeking to live a meaningful Jewish life may have specific needs but each also has special gifts to offer the Jewish community.

I invite you to visit us, attend a Shabbat service, come for a Festival, or speak with me about what you’re looking for. I’m confident that our Har Zion family will open your eyes to new options of being part of a spirited and supportive community.


Rabbi Cory Weiss

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785