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7360 Bayview Avenue, Thornhill, ON | 905-889-2252

Social Action

One of the foundations of Judaism and our synagogue is Tikkun Olam, the imperative upon us to heal the world and be active participants in bringing justice and healing to those around us and our planet. Our synagogue has a very active social action committee which has a number of on-going programs reaching out and helping in our community.

Over the years this committee has raised funds for Ethiopian Jews through the Million Quarter Project and established the MOSAIC INTERFAITH Out of the Cold Program which won an Irving J. Fain Social Action Award. From simple things like collecting milk bags to be converted into sleeping mats for the homeless in Haiti, and pop tabs to help Variety Village repair and purchase wheelchairs, to more complex projects such as raising awareness of First Nations’ issues.

We are part of the National Tikkun Olam Committee of the the Reform Jewish Community of Canada, and have actively participated in bringing two resolutions to the previous two Union for Reform Judaism biennials:

* Raising awareness of the injustices to First Nations in Canada at the 2013 Biennial in San Diego

* Bringing forward a combined Canada/US resolution on Refugees in December 2017 in Boston.

Our Social Action Committee partners with MOSAIC INTERFAITH, a multi-faith based grass roots organization formed in 1980, to offer educational programs and a yearly Peace Meal along with a new series of programs entitled From Abraham 3 Faiths; which brings together our Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Michael Stroh, Reverend John Hill and Dr. Liyakat Takim to discuss some of the core issues confronting religious faiths today.

With our neighbours, the Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre, we were able to sponsor three Syrian refugee families and also show that Jews and Muslims could work together to model the call to Social Action inherent in both faiths.

One of the recent ways we have demonstrated our commitment is to become a proud signatory to the Canadian Brit Olam.

Learn more

To become involved in our Social Action committee, please contact socialaction@harzion.ca



Mon, February 17 2025 19 Sh'vat 5785